What is it?
This is a HIPS (high impact polystyrene) grade that has 32% UBQ™
additive and is suitable for injection moulding.
This additive is made from household waste (at least 50% bio-based: food residues, cardboard, paper) as well as post-consumer plastics.
It significantly reduces greenhouse gases, preventing 11.7 times its weight in CO₂ equivalent emissions. With a higher UBQ™ content, products could even be carbon negative. UBQ™ is available in a compressed tablet that can be used either as a drop-in component to standard manufacturing processes, or as an ingredient in custom compounds tailored for individual processes and product specifications.
Material properties
Tensile Modulus (MPa): 1165
Tensile Strength (MPa): 14
Strain at Yield (%): 2,2
Melt Volume-Flow Rate (cm3/10min): 10 (200°C/5.0 Kg)
Link to the technical data-sheet
Technical benefits
UBQ™ is a sustainability additive – not a reinforcement additive – used to reduce and offset the environmental footprint of a product’s raw materials. The mechanical properties of a compound containing UBQ™ can be compatibilized to suit many applications, especially in the area of high-volume commodity products.
Look and feel
The additive causes the natural grey colour of the compound. It can be mixed with dark masterbatches to produce other dark colour variations.
Environmental benefits
Resirene is conducting an LCA on this grade, and they estimate a 50% reduction of the GHG emissions compared with virgin HIPS, but this is still to be determined.
This grade is designed for injection moulding of consumer goods, e.g. trays, boxes, or hangers. It is not suitable for food-grade applications.
Why we chose this material
Many countries still landfill waste, resulting in GHGs (greenhouse gases) released into the atmosphere. UBQ Materials has developed a proprietary solution to take this waste, unsorted, and turn it to a valuable additive/filler for various polymers. This, we believe, is a win-win solution.
Why you should consider this material
You are looking for a material with a substantially reduced, even negative, carbon footprint.
About the manufacturer
Resirene has been manufacturing and marketing styrene polymers in Mexico since 1973, along with copolymers and specialty polymers.
The company recently added a chemical division to its portfolio, and Resirene is now part of Grupo KUO, a Mexican industrial conglomerate with 25 operating locations selling to over 70 countries.